Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Could be the Depeche Mode tour album or video. Or, it could be that this is my 101st post.


Some of those posts were Prayas', so I can't claim that all of them are mine. But I've basically been the poster on this blog for over a year now, and somehow 101 feels like a nice number to arrive at. This blog has more and more been a place where a particular kind of non-linear writing practice occurs - snippets of daily life, plotted out in no particular fashion, then sew back together as I slowly write about them in the same space. Sometimes the result is emotional chaos, sometimes I am as surprised as you all who read it to see where it goes and how it all links together. That's practice for you - as my teacher, Paula, used to say, "Practice makes practice".

The too-hot sun of our recent 90-plus degree weather is creeping in over my shoulder and onto my lap, a bit like a nagging kitten. So I am going to stop here for today. Know that the novel is progressing (I hope to post some chunks here soon), getting rich into Chicago history and linking my "family" in its fictional state with Al Capone. Aviva is growing rapidly but definitely still a kitten (visit Flickr to see grotesquely cute pictures!) and Dylan and I are doing well. Domesticating is a quiet enterprise, slyly satisfying. Something I have looked forward to for years. Yum.