Thursday, January 29, 2009

Facebook has more than my Face

That's it. Today Facebook got my heart.

I knew it would happen eventually. When Friendster was around I was too young for reunions. Didn't want all those High School or Junior High School compatriots to track me down yet. I said things like "Didn't know him/her that well then, who knows now? Could be a serial killer!" After a bad date experience to top it off, I left Facebook.

But now I am married and not looking to make any new relationships there. Just keep in touch with the past, and somewhat the present. Little did I know that what little there was of the past could be remade now, or affect my life so much. Touch me. So deeply. I sound horribly romantic right now, and I won't deny that I am. But this is a deep strike. How 25 things about me meme and Memory of Me meme both cropped up the anniversary of my mom's death. And how the tiny vestiges others have of that life - both from the BFF's and also the supporting actors, or even side technicians (DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE TECHNICIANS!) could offer up bits and pieces to put back together the whole story it once was. This story, this one I am so grateful for.

Sniff and bawl, but in a good way. Yay!

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